PFAS Forever Chemical Are Not Diluted With Water And Leech Into The Nearest Water System Every Time It Rains

Water Contamination Lawsuit News

Most airports have failed to test the local drinking water supplies for PFAS chemicals that are in the firefighting foam they have used for decades

Sunday, July 17, 2022 - The nation's airports are a significant source of groundwater pollution because of toxic firefighting foam used to extinguish petroleum and jet fuel fires. A local radio station, WESA-FM in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, recently investigated and reported on PFAS contaminants that may have bio-accumulated in fish living in streams and rivers near the local international airport. Unfortunately, there are no laws currently on the books that force airports or municipalities to test local water supplies for PFAS chemicals. The report cites a 2019 study that found that the firefighters at Pittsburg International Airport dumped thousands of gallons of PFAS forever chemicals into the ground to leech into local streams and water systems every time it rained. Firefighting foam has been tested and contains toxic, carcinogenic PFAS forever chemicals, molecular compounds so strong that they do not break down into organic material for hundreds or thousands of years. People that have been diagnosed with certain types of cancer have filed PFAS cancer lawsuits against 3M, the manufacturer of firefighting foam for failing to instruct firefighters on the safe disposal of the chemical. Firefighters have filed lawsuits saying that their cancer was caused by decades of using and sometimes being covered with toxic firefighting foam without warning.

In addition to firefighting foam, well-known sources of PFAS forever chemicals that may cause local groundwater contamination include "those used to make products grease proof, water-proof, stick-proof, and stain-resistant. They are added to food Packaging: pizza boxes, food wrappers, take-out food wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, disposable trays, and bakery bags; Non-stick pans (Teflon)," according to, a leading water safety advocate organization. Gortex waterproof clothing and Scotchgard stain-resistant draperies, carpets, and a-holsters are other sources of deadly contamination. CWA cites the fact that PFAS forever chemicals are so prevalent that every American tested has tested positive for the presence of PFAS forever chemicals in their blood and urine. Hundreds of municipal firefighting stations train with and use toxic firefighting foam and dispose of it negligently by washing it down into the soil to make its way by gravity down into the local water table. Whatever chemicals that do not wash down immediately do so every time it rains. Water does not dilute PFAS forever chemicals as most who use them and are tasked with their disposal assume. Manufacturers of the products listed above have dumped their toxic manufacturing waste into the local rivers, streams, and lakes for decades without regard to the damage they may be doing to residents' health. CWA lists kidney and testicular cancer, liver problems, high cholesterol, and immunosuppression as the possible life-threatening diseases that may develop over time from ingesting low doses of PFAS forever chemicals regularly by drinking, eating, or being absorbed through the skin. One less obvious way that humans can be exposed to high doses of PFAS forever chemicals is by eating fish caught in local streams and rivers.

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