Newborn Babies Are Packed With PFAS Forever Chemicals

Water Contamination Lawsuit News

We may have already doomed the next generation to an early death from PFAS cancer

Monday, November 14, 2022 - PFAS water contamination is a problem that expands every day, empirically, and also, thankfully, in the eyes of the public and government regulators. By definition, forever chemicals only expand and grow as they are not biodegradable. PFAS forever chemicals have been found in toxic, potentially carcinogenic levels in the drinking water throughout the country, especially near airports and military bases. AFFF firefighting foam is thought to be the major contributor to releasing PFAS cancer chemicals into the underlying water table because all that is done to dispose of its waste is to attempt to dilute it and wash it down into the soil or nearby storm drain. PFAS chemicals have strong molecular bonds (carbon and fluorine) and do not diminish when mixed with water. Alarmingly, PFAS chemicals have been found in the umbilical cord blood of 99% of the babies tested. America's infants are being born with a predisposition to developing cancer as they add forever chemicals to their bodies by drinking tap water and through a myriad of other sources. Eating meat that has been watered using PFAS forever chemical water caused a PFAS chemical build-up in our food. If nothing is done to clean up the existing water supply, and to stop future pollution, a large percentage of our children or our children's children will be doomed to early death from cancer. Most concerning is the recent report that PFAS chemicals are to be found in rainwater as PFAS water evaporates and forms clouds. Everything we eat, breathe, or touch is probably already contaminated with PFAS chemicals. The Times recently told readers, "PFAS chemicals have accumulated in water and soil across the planet. Earlier this month, a team of scientists reported that they could even find PFAS in raindrops falling on Tibet and Antarctica."

As ominous as the future is for children being born today, the New York Times reports that chemists have made progress in developing methods to destroy PFAS forever chemicals. "Scientists have been searching for ways to destroy them for years. In a study, published Thursday in the journal Science, a team of researchers rendered PFAS molecules harmless by mixing them with two inexpensive compounds at a low boil. In a matter of hours, the PFAS molecules fell apart," according to NYT. Scientists are cautious, however, because much more work needs to be done to replicate their success in destroying PFAS in the lab in the general outside environment. Work has to be done on the state and federal levels to establish and enforce rules eliminating PFAS chemicals from future products. A medical solution should also be forthcoming to eliminate PFAS already in the body before cancer can develop. Individuals that have ingested PFAS-contaminated tap water can file PFAS cancer lawsuit against 3M, DuPont, and about a dozen other companies responsible for manufacturing and selling products that contain PFAS chemicals. State Attorney Generals are suing the companies and allege the companies knew that their products would contaminate the environment and harm human health but put profits ahead of the public.

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Lawsuits for PFAS Contaminated Drinking Water

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold the federal government accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.