Cancer Clusters May Occur Where PFAS Forever Chemical Are Manufacturered Or Used

Water Contamination Lawsuit News

Where you live may determine whether or not you get tap water cancer

Thursday, November 17, 2022 - Americans that live or have lived on or near PFAS forever chemical-producing facilities, military bases, airports, and municipal firefighting stations need to take notice that their health and the health of their family may be in grave danger from ingesting perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) forever chemicals in their drinking water. According to, higher than average numbers of incidences of kidney cancer are occurring among employees of PFAS chemical manufacturing plants, individuals who work for companies that manufacture products that contain PFAS forever chemicals, and also among the residents of the communities that surround these facilities. The same holds for Americans that live or work near military installations or major municipal airports where toxic firefighting foam has been used for decades to extinguish petroleum and jet-fuel fires. Unacceptably high rates of kidney cancer are occurring in the general population surrounding municipal firefighting stations where firefighters train using toxic firefighting foam. If you or a loved one has lived near any of the types of locations listed above and has received a cancer diagnosis, you may wish to speak with a PFAS water attorney to see if you have a case against 3M, DuPont, and about a dozen other companies that failed to warn the public of the dangers of PFAS forever chemicals. Cancer victims may seek lump sum monetary reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemical contamination may be the greatest in areas surrounding US AirForce bases. Unfortunately for the people that live in surrounding areas, military and corporate leaders have known for decades that PFAS chemicals in firefighting foam were carcinogenic and could cause cancer. Millions of soldiers and Air Force and US Marine families may have been exposed to developing cancer from drinking water of the failure of the Defense Department to warn them. So have the civilian employees and their families that work and live on or near the base. This is particularly true at the Air Force Station at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina where dangerous PFAS chemicals in the local drinking water have prompted the North Carolina State attorney general to file a PFAS forever chemical cancer lawsuit against the manufacturers of said products. Other lawsuits are being filed against the Department of Defense under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act. It is estimated that 200-300,000 lawsuits may be filed over the next two years by the victims and the survivors of US Marines that have developed drinking water cancer. The AG Stein PFAS water lawsuit against the manufacturers of PFAS forever chemicals could serve as a bellwether for thousands of individuals to follow. AG Stein is seeking millions of dollars from these companies to remediate the environmental disaster that they have caused to the lakes, rivers, streams, and other waterways in the area. Not only is the water contaminated but it is feared that the fish in the area are contaminated and eating them exposes humans to much higher levels of PFAS chemical contaminates. The same goes for the rainwater that contaminates farms that produce fruits and vegetables.

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Lawsuits for PFAS Contaminated Drinking Water

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold the federal government accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.